Mining Industry
The mining industry utilises large equipment to perform specialised and high demand jobs where the equipment needs to be serviced and maintained as quickly and efficiently as possible to keep the machines running and reliable. These large machines have a lot of parts and require a lot of maintenance to ensure they run as efficiently as they can. AM-Win gives you the ability to manage these items, manage service schedules, ensure parts are available and make sure equipment is serviced regularly.
The repair and maintenance of the machines needs highly training technicians and quality parts to ensure they run as well as possible between services and repairs. Am-Win helps you to make this possible. AM-Win suites almost all job based repair businesses, but when the jobs are as important as they are in the mining industry you need AM-Win to manage them.
Businesses come in different sizes and so does AM-Win software. For example a small business may not want a full general ledger or automatic stock purchasing based on usage, but a medium to large enterprise might find them necessary for the day to day operation of the business. For this reason we provide AM-Win in three different levels so that you need only purchase the system that's right for you. Each level in the range is upgradeable to those above. If you grow and need further functionality AM-Win will grow with you - seamlessly as all data is interchangeable between levels.
Level 1
- Our Basic System. Covers Job card creation with automatic numbering system that can be linked directly to your Purchase Order and when received will store your auto created GRN/Batch numbers and/or the suppliers GRN numbers if required. These are fully traceable and can also handle the individual numbers without having the stock item listed multiple times.
- All jobs can be tracked by job number, client, serial number and many other options
- Job card service notes can be saved and attached to the assembly and used to remind us at a later date.
- Text notes can be stored in the system ( i.e.: Freight details, Trading Terms, Basic service info, etc)
- Full Parts and Labour Service Kits can be created for each individual Make and Models and stored in the system so that typing is kept to a minimum and to remind us of what is to be done.
- A Quote can be turned into a Job card and then into an Invoice without retyping anything.
- Both quotes and Job cards can be cloned into another job item and/or owner for easy job creation.
- A message is created on the purchase Invoice that links to the appropriate job card and client.
- The same message is noted on the Job card/Invoice so that we can track the supplier via job card.
- Basic reporting of all of the above and special reports relating to stores systems.
- Full Job and Invoice History are available and traceable by Job/Invoice Number, Client or serial number..
- Full Workshop Diary listing all Jobs in Progress and reports to suit that makes planning jobs easy.
Level 2
- is all of Stores Level 1 plus full accounting system and reports to match.
- Much more defined stock controls for with multiple pricing options available based on client info.
- Full Supplier payments, Accounting Systems and more options in cheque entry and ledger controls.
- More Invoicing features and the ability to hide information using special functions and controls.
- Recalculating of invoice pricing on the fly for users who require the system to make the invoice calculate from the Total that is entered by the user and automatically adjust all the lines by %.
- Full stock and inventory control by the use of multipliers and preset % margins based on stock groups and subgroups and also the automatic re-pricing of stock by % based on List or cost prices.
- Full Stocktaking creation and transfer ability and much more for fine tuning the stock system.
- Parts and inventory can be linked by make and model so that parts lists are created as they are used. This then makes sure that the correct parts are ordered for the make and model of the assembly.
- Full stock enquiry screen can display the item supplier and the assembly that utilised the part.
- Full Bank deposit reconciliation, Statement and Payments records are also in the Level 2 system
- Analyse your systems performance daily or monthly with advanced onscreen tools and functions.
- Employee files with basic wages and pay slips and transfers these figures to the BAS report.
Level 3
- is all of Stores Level 1 and level 2 above plus the following features
- Full user defined discount Matrix so that client prices are calculated based on Group and Sub Group % plus discounted rates based on Qty purchased or discount given on top of Standard Price Matrix.
- Floor plan/Consignment stock is a separate non asset Inventory database that can link to job system.
- Manufacturing module is a special module that allows for the rebuild of inventory items and manufacture of new items in quantities of 1 or more. The multiple items used and labour are deducted and replaced by the new manufactured item and labour times adjusted for reporting.
- Higher level Invoicing features such as Progressive Invoicing which allows multiple Invoices from one Job card and the ability to track all Invoices for one Job card and charge some to multiple clients.
- Accounting fees can be charged by % or price based on overdue period and automatically assigned Customer
- Batch Invoicing for the reprinting of a batch of Invoices for a period for a single client
- Standing journals and batch Journals are used for setting the system to automatically deduct payments.
- Labour allocating screen is available so that a designated user can update Job cards from timesheets.
- Marketing module is for special report via extracts to CSV in MS Word mail merging and Excel.
- General Ledger Export is to extract accounting information and import into MYOB and Handitax.
- Font control module is to be able to preset standard fonts that are used in Quotes/Job cards/Invoices
Additional optional modules [Dependant on system levels.]
- Rolling Stock Take module allows for the continuous stock taking of batch and is the best in town.
- Asset Ledger System available for the full tracking of all company assets Inc equipment
- Point of Sale Module for fast sales of parts. Bar-coding built in with special software.
- Consignment Stock Module for the times when you send out parts and services on consignment to other workshops and need to track the control of sales and replacement of stock and invoicing of sales
- Time Management Module Labour tracking that covers most workplace heath and safety requirements. Record employee start and finish times, time of arrival and time of work start.. Job start and completion times, break, start and finish times, and off the job times for parts pickup or cleaning work and when and if your time is used for personal reasons.